City of Armstrong Launches Partnership with DocuPet

Armstrong, BC – The City of Armstrong is making dog licensing easier and more accessible with its new partnership with DocuPet, a world-leading platform for dog licensing, lost dog recovery, and dog profile management. Residents can now benefit from streamlined licensing services combined with DocuPet’s HomeSafe® 24/7 Lost Pet Service, providing an effective solution for pet identification and reunification that keeps dogs out of shelters and back home where they belong.


With the new DocuPet platform, every tag is equipped with the HomeSafe® 24/7 Lost Pet Service and doubles as the official dog license. Each tag includes a unique code linked to the dog’s secure online profile, allowing anyone who finds a lost dog to quickly report it via DocuPet’s Found Dog Report feature. Dog owners can also create Lost Pet Reports if their dog goes missing. DocuPet’s dedicated dispatch staff is available 24/7 to reunite lost dogs with their families.

“We are excited about our partnership with DocuPet, as their online licensing solution will provide improved service to dog owners and enhance community and animal safety,” said Warren Smith, Manager of Community Services.

With a mission to provide a safe and happy home for every dog, DocuPet’s innovative platform will supply significant resources to Armstrong, allowing it to operate efficiently and deliver critical animal services.

“We are very proud to kickoff this effective program to increase pet identification and reunification services for all residents,” said Grant Goodwin, DocuPet’s CEO. “Dogs wearing DocuPet licence tags spend little to no time in the shelter versus unlicensed dogs. We thank Armstrong for coming on board to be an impactful part of the solution.”

All dogs in Armstrong must be licensed annually. Previously, licences expired on December 31st each year, but with the new DocuPet partnership, they now remain valid for 365 days from the date of purchase. Dog owners can learn more, and register online, at Licensing is also available by mail, phone, or in person.

The City of Armstrong would like to celebrate the launch of DocuPet with a 50% discount on all new Lifetime dog licences until June 30th. Lifetime dog licences will return to regular pricing ($125) on July 1st.




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