FireSmart Armstrong
Learn more about how Armstrong is bringing FireSmart to our community.
Official Community Plan
The City is wrapping up the process of updating the Official Community Plan.
Check out the recent updates!
Downtown Revitalizarion
Check out the latest updates to the downtown revitalization (C.A.R.I.) project!
Council Meetings, Agendas and Minutes
Access City of Armstrong Council Meetings, Committees and Commission schedules, Agendas, Minutes, and the City Resource Library.
Council Highlights
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About Armstrong
The City of Armstrong is a friendly community with a beautiful trails network, bustling downtown core and peaceful family-friendly atmosphere.
We welcome all those who wish to visit, live, or invest in this peaceful little city. Armstrong considered the “Heart of Country” is located in the heart of Spallumcheen Valley, between the sunny Okanagan and the bright Shuswap Valleys.