The City of Armstrong Flood Watch has been rescinded. Public Works and Emergency Management Staff monitored creeks, mitigated blockages over the weekend and have noted significant reductions in creek flows. The City remains cautiously optimistic and will continue watch water levels throughout the next couple of weeks.
Additionally, there will be continued monitoring of snow depths and weather notifications as flooding could still occur within the community. Current weather reports show unstable air masses with the potential for thunderstorms and showers till mid-week. It is very typical for our community to experience large storm events during May and June but combined with the snowpack we could possibly see water levels rise again.
During a rain event water levels can rise quickly, the City is asking the public to stay clear of creeks, creek banks and stormwater infrastructure.
Due to increased tributary within Fortune Creek the City’s drinking water remains on wells and Stage 2 Water Restrictions remain in place.
Please continue to monitor weather reports, local news media and the city’s website for more information and updates. The City is also encouraging residents to download the Alertable App to be notified of any alerts or orders that may affect Armstrong. The Alertable App is available for android or apple wherever you get your apps.
Click this link to monitor the City of Armstrong Alert