Public Notices|


The City of Armstrong Council has adopted a Code of Conduct as a
proactive measure of good governance and to further support Council’s commitment to conducting all City business in a fair and respectful manner.

“I am pleased that City Council voted unanimously to adopt a Code of Conduct and committed ourselves to revisiting and agreeing to the Policy annually,” said Mayor Joe Cramer.

Recent Legislative changes to the Community Charter state that a Council must consider a Code of Conduct within the first 6 months of taking office. According to the legislation, a Code of Conduct is not mandatory; however, if a Council chooses to uphold one, it must be reviewed each Election cycle. Armstrong Council has taken this commitment even further opting to review the policy annually.

The foundational principles of the Policy are integrity, respect, accountability,
leadership and collaboration. The Armstrong Code of Conduct is an enhanced version and further outlines a promise to residents that the organization and its Council will uphold the highest ethical standards throughout all interactions with other members of Council, staff, media and the public.

“A Council Code of Conduct Policy is a tool that Local Governments can use to
encourage the ethical behaviour of elected officials by setting out and agreeing to the terms and expectations before an issue arises. It symbolizes that this City Council is committed to leading their community with the utmost integrity and respect,” confirmed Dawn Low, Chief Administrative Officer.

The Council Code of Conduct policy was adopted during the Regular Council Meeting on Dec. 12, 2022. For more information on the policy, or to review the Council Code of Conduct, click here.

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