Sewer Infrastructure

The City of Armstrong Wastewater Treatment Plant currently provides treatment for domestic and industrial wastewater generated within the City. Our wastewater system incorporates the following components:


– Preliminary treatment of the influent wastewater
– Secondary treatment in a multiple cell partial-mix aerated lagoon system
– An aerated storage reservoir for the treated effluent
– Chlorine disinfection followed by de-chlorination
– Spray irrigation of the reclaimed water.


The City has made improvements to the wastewater system over the years. As it stands, the current system has two main sites:


1. The influent pumping, preliminary treatment, Lagoon Cells 1-4 and a high lift pumping station located within the City


2. Two additional aerated lagoons Cells 5-6 are located within the Township of Spallumcheen

Sewer Infrastructure

The City of Armstrong Wastewater Treatment Plant currently provides treatment for domestic and industrial wastewater generated within the City. Our wastewater system incorporates the following components:

  • Preliminary treatment of the influent wastewater
  • Secondary treatment in a multiple cell partial-mix aerated lagoon system
  • An aerated storage reservoir for the treated effluent
  • Chlorine disinfection followed by de-chlorination
  • Spray irrigation of the reclaimed water.

The City has made improvements to the wastewater system over the years. As it stands, the current system has two main sites:


1. The influent pumping, preliminary treatment, Lagoon Cells 1-4 and a high lift pumping station located within the City


2. Two additional aerated lagoons Cells 5-6 are located within the Township of Spallumcheen

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