
The City of Armstrong is hosting a photo contest, beginning Monday, July 15, 2024 until Monday, September 30, 2024. 


The photos submitted to the City, will be used on Armstrong’s website, official documents, and social media!


This is your chance to have your photography displayed and admired by the entire community.


Winners will be divided into two catagories:


  • 18 and Under
  • 19 and Over


The Winners will each receive a $200 Gift Certificate to the Armstrong business of your choice.


Winners will be announced on the City’s website and social media channels after the October 1st, 2024 Regular Council Meeting. 

How to Enter

To enter please ensure you have read the Rules and Guidelines below.


Enter as many times as you like!


Email your photos to: Info@cityofarmstrong.bc.ca

Subject Line: 2024 Photo Contest 


  • Only digital photos will be accepted.
  • Be recognizable as an Armstrong location, pastime or personality.
  • Preferred file formats: .png or .jpeg.
  • Approx. 1270 x 800 pixels, up to 3 MB.
  • All photos must be a minimum of 300 DPI.
  • Photographers must have a signed release form for all identifiable people in the photos.
  • Photographers must waive their rights and allow the City to scale, crop, or alter the color of the image.
  • Participants under 18 must have a release signed by a parent or legal guardian.

Deadline for submissions

Photos must be submitted by September 30th , 2024.

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