2024 Planning Legislation Changes

2024 Planning Legislation Changes

The Province enacted legislation at the end of 2023 that changes the way Cities manage applications for housing and allows for more density in all of Armstrong’s neighbourhoods.

Where can I find more information?

Find more information about the legislation changes on the Province’s Website.

What does this mean for me?

In Armstrong, the legislation requires that the Official Community Plan and zoning bylaws allow for a minimum of 4 dwelling units in neighbourhoods currently zoned for low density residential development. Armstrong currently has no parcels small enough to only have 3 units on them.

The city is currently in the process of updating the Official Community Plan and will be integrating the new densities. Zoning amendments will be happening before the deadline of June 30, 2024. The province has prohibited public hearings on these zoning changes, so the community will see notification of the bylaw but not have an opportunity to present to Council.

If you are interested in detailed information about the provincial recommendations and requirements,
please see the Provincial Policy and Site Standards Manual by clicking here.

How can I get more information?

If you would like updates and info about upcoming events, watch the City website or Like the City’s Facebook page.

Project updates and upcoming events will also be shared in:

– The City’s website and in the Utility Billing insert “Stay Connected” Newsletter.

– Subscribing to our email list for City news and updates here.
– You can also email us at Planner@armstrong.bc.ca, or give us a call at 250-546-3023.