Public Notices|

There will be a full closure of the Pleasant Valley Exit between  Highway 97A and Smith Drive starting May 15 to June 30, 2023, as approved by the  Ministry of Transportation. The City of Armstrong will begin construction of the Meighan  Creek Diversion project as part of ongoing flood mitigation works, and the City’s capital  projects for 2023.  

The Meighan Creek Bypass project objective is to construct a bypass to alleviate  capacity issues through exiting culverts under highway 97A to Smith Drive and  installation of new culvert sections to connect high flows to Deep Creek.  

The bypass project is designed to the 1/200-year flows including increase capacity for  climate change resiliency. The project is funded by the Province of BC through the  Community Emergency Preparedness Fund and the City of Armstrong.  

All emergency services have been notified and are aware of the closure. Landmark  Solutions was awarded the contract and will begin construction on Monday May 15 and  continue to June 30, 2023.  

For more information, please contact:

Brad Ackerman, Manager of Operations 
Tel: (250) 546-3023

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